Friday, February 14, 2014

The Anti-Love Equation

This might surprise some of you, but I am not a sentimental guy. Haven't been in quite a while, so [again with the surprises] Valentine's Day doesn't hold a whole lot of importance to me. I'm not here to spout off some anti-Valentine's rant or declare it another one of Hallmark's "made-up" holidays. Nah, I just popped on real quick to wax nostalgic. So much surprise, right?

The last few weeks, I've been trying to decide what exactly I wanted to post here on the blog for Valentine's Day. I'd originally intended to view and review the "classic" romantic comedy, My Boyfriend's Back (1993). I do, after all, have a VHS-copy that's been sitting on my shelf since last Valentine's Day, when I was still trying to brainstorm and start this whole blog-thing. But with the Bogdanovich Challenge in full-effect, I thought maybe I'd take a break from everything cinematic and try something else.

Then I found out that Miss M had already swiped my other idea. Besides absolutely knocking it out of the park [that's an expression, isn't it?] at her own blog, she's also been contributing regular articles over at Retro-Daze. Her recent posts have taken a look at Valentine's cards past, while sharing tales of broken-hearts and R.L. Stine. It's the highlighting of several vintage Valentine's that stole my thunder, and now I feel like Thor without his hammer. Totally emasculated!

No, not really, but still..! Now I'm just a Trash Man-Come-Lately, digging at the bottom of the bowl for the candy heart with the loveliest phrase to win the hearts of my loyal readers back from the dorkiest gal on the block. It's no easy task, but I still gotta try.

So, here we go, kids. A handful of Valentine's from my youth that may appeal to the retro-nerds in all of us.

Happy Valentine's Day, all.

You're all lookin' fine.


  1. How did you guys keep all your toys and stuff?!
    I wish I had more things from childhood. Love the Popples one best! I just found a football Popple for Gabe and he sleeps with it. Along with twenty other things, some of which are hard, pointy and plastic. Yeesh!
    Happy Valentine's, Brian :)

    1. My mom saved everything school-related for all three of her kids [which includes me..!], so it was just a matter of digging out the manilla folders and looking inside. These cards represent grades 2 through 4, so there's a good mix of late '80s/early '90s properties covered.

      Actually, I also found tons of old drawings and stories and a really awesome collage from 2nd grade that I just might share in the near future.

      And a Happy Valentine's to you, too!

  2. It is so cool you still have these!

    1. I'm missing some key ones [TMNT, Legend of Zelda and various others] that I set aside a couple years back. Not sure what happened to them, but they have to be in a box somewhere. Still, I was surprised by how many cool properties had Valentine's cards.

      Like the Michael Jordan ones. So weird.

  3. All my love letters and V-Day cards of my youth are long lost in the pages and sands of time which i guess is a good thing because my wife doesn't need to see those lol.

  4. I am truly jealous of these. I think anything that I didn't actively try to save myself from childhood was long ago trucked off to the dump. But I have fond memories of some of the older properties myself! Hope you had a lovely Valentine's day!

    1. Me too! I so wish I had kept at least a handful of cards! I'm hoping against all reason that they're hiding in my parents garage, but alas, I fear the worst.
